Very Vegetarian
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The number of people choosing meatless meals is on the increase. And a veganvegetarian diet -- one without any animal products -- is an unusually healthyone because it is high in fiber, low in saturated fat, and very nutritious."Too many vegan recipes have relied on exotic and difficult-to-findingredients or tedious, time-consuming techniques," says Jannequin Bennett,executive chef of a restaurant in a AAA Five Diamond, Mobile Five Star hotel."But Very Vegetarian has recipes made with common foodstuffs thatare uncommonly delicious."
Very Vegetarian is presented by and introduced by 9-time Olympic goldmedal winner Carl Lewis, who says that a vegan diet of fresh fruits andvegetables, whole complex carbohydrates, high quality proteins, and natural fatsis the best way to ensure a person's health and longevity.
In addition to a wide range of more than 250 mouth-watering recipes, VeryVegetarian includes a helpful introduction about eating vegan and 16 pagesof beautiful four-color photographs. The book will help the person who isbeginning to choose meatless meals by providing nutritional information andrecipes featuring familiar foods and techniques. For those who have moreexperience with a plant-based diet, the book offers recipes that will broadentheir culinary horizons.
Endorsed by the Physician's Committee for Responsible Medicine.